A Traveler's Log

Toucans and Hornbills represent the unexpected in travel, wildness, delight, and surprise. Where they live, other wonderful animals and plants flourish.

Travel entails new experiences - new sounds, different smells, surprises, sensations not like those at home. Some ideas, feelings, and impressions must be recorded immediately or they are lost; others are best recollected in tranquility (with a nod to Wordsworth).

Bethought: to think; to remind (oneself); to remember
Images and scenes bethought - evoking the moment and reliving it.
Why in the World? Where in the World?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Two Lions, Etosha, Namibia 2010

Young Lions

They were brothers

not quite in their prime
Well fed, 
they lolled in the warm grass.

Stretching, yawning, 
 they strolled off into the scrub
Their balls bumping gently, reassuringly 
Against their thighs.

This was written while watching the two of them from our vehicle in Etosha National Park, Namibia in March 2010. As I posited in an earlier post, prose isn't always the best descriptive medium for wildlife and nature. On the other hand, I have made some stuff up; I really have no idea whether or not they were brothers or if they were well fed--but I hope so.  Therein the license.
The images are by Kes and JP Donahue.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy, Lovely pics. Clare pointed me here and so I shall follow your musings. How goes the record ripping? Sounds like you have phase I down and are ready to burn CDs. We are in Paso this weekend but maybe we could get together early next week. - mark


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